The performance evaluation of teachers of Higher Public Education in East Timor: the need for a new model.The evaluation of the lecturing performance in East Timor


  • Abílio António Freitas Belo University of Minho



performance evaluation, professors, public higher education, East Timor.


The evaluation of the lecturing performance in East Timor is a key part of the Timorese education system that declares, in accordance with the Law on Education (2008), that higher education is oriented towards the development of national human resources. Higher education institutions are therefore called upon to provide a wider public service and simultaneously more efficient and with better results. However, the evaluation of professors in the public higher education sphere follows the exact same procedures and criteria that are being applied to all public servants of Timorese administration. This article aims to argue there is a real need for the implementation in the higher education institutions of an assessment tool that meets the specific role and goals of public higher education institutions, thus filling a gap in the study of lecturer’s performance evaluation in East Timor.


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