Influences of Experiential Pursuing Tendency in Experience Perception with the Moderating Role of Expertise and Demographics


  • Buntae Kim Dongseo University



Consumption expertise, Experience perception, Experiential pursuing tendency.


This study examines the relationship of consumers' experiential pursuing tendency and experience perception with the moderating role of consumers' expertise and their demographics, sex and age. Experience pursuing tendency is based on an individual personality. Experience perception is individuals' affection in the procession of consumption or after purchase. The study found that there are relationships between consumers' experience pursuing tendency and experience perception, sensual, affective consumers perceived even more emotional dimensions of experience. Whereas the other side of consumers, the pursuers more practical are less susceptible to emotional experience and more to professional experience. Accumulated knowledge by indirect learning or directly by oneself does not control the relationship between experiential pursuing tendency and experience perception. But sex and age among demographics are involving the relationships between them. Aged consumers over 50s perceived experience less, especially to the emotional side of experience perception. Finally, managerial and research implications are presented from the results of the study.

Author Biography

  • Buntae Kim, Dongseo University
    Department of Business Adminstration, Associate Professor


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