Multilevel Governance and Sustainable Development: the Case of Biodiversity in the Amazon Rainforest


  • João Paulo Cândia Veiga University of São Paulo
  • Fausto Makishi University of São Paulo
  • Murilo Alves Zacareli University of São Paulo
  • Thiago Augusto Hiromitsu Terada Beraca Institute



This article is aimed at summarizing the results of the fieldwork research conducted by a group of researchers from the University of São Paulo within local communities in the municipalities of Salvaterra, Bragança and Breves, which are located in the state of Pará in the Northern part of Brazil. The object of analysis is the production chain of oleaginous seeds obtained through the extraction activity that are used as inputs in the processing food and cosmetics industries.This article seeks to answer the following questions: what role do non-state actors play in sustainable development and biodiversity regulation at the local level?Which are the social and environmental impacts? In order to answer it, this research focuses on the impact of the extractive activity on income generation, local development and local environmental externalities caused by market incentives. The main hypothesis is that it is possible to go beyond the trade-off between welfare gains and the preservation of the environment, and thus contribute to the rational use of Common-Pool Resources (CPRs).The motivation of this article is intimately related to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 and the sustainable use of biodiversity. It is argued that the whole process is subjected to a multilevel context in which actors and arenas interact with each other through ‘authoritative mechanisms’. Both quantitative and qualitative data have been collected through surveys conducted among local families.

Author Biographies

  • João Paulo Cândia Veiga, University of São Paulo
    Department of Political Science - Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences and Institute of International Relations
  • Fausto Makishi, University of São Paulo

    Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering

  • Murilo Alves Zacareli, University of São Paulo
    Institute of International Relations


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